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Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Proporta USB TurboCharger 7000 Emergency charger & External Battery Pack

Proporta are pleased to announce that they have released a brand new voucher code for you to enjoy. Use the code Jan15 to save 15% off all your orders. Hurry though, this fantastic off is only available until 15th January. Proporta also bring you the Proporta USB TurboChargerwhich would be a great item to use the voucher code with.


New Voucher Code
Proporta USB TurboCharger

New Voucher Code
Code - Jan15
Promotion - 15% Off
Expires - 15-01-2012

Proporta USB TurboCharger 7000 Emergency charger & External Battery Pack
Proporta USB
TurboCharger 7000 Emergency charger & External
Battery Pack
This ridiculously handy product acts as your emergency battery for your iPhone, smartphone, iPad, Kindle or just about anything that can be USB powered, allowing you to quickly recharge your device again and again. It even allows you to charge your iPhone / mobile phone and your iPad simultaneously. It features one Mini USB input port and two USB output ports.
This allows the option of charging two phones or phone and iPad at the same time.
Simply plug any USB/micro USB powered gadget (including your iPhone, smartphone, iPad / iPad 2, Kindle, PSP, Nintendo DSi and most digital cameras and GPS units) into the USB TurboCharger’s standard USB port and it'll keep even the most power hungry devices juiced up and ready to go. An LED display shows the level of charge, and this lightweight and stylish battery is so small that you’ll hardly even notice you’ve got it with you. The TurboCharger weighs 175 grams.
Our Price £54.95

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